Monday, October 1, 2012

Ekphrasis Poetry, 10/1

Poems that respond to or describe a piece of another art form are called ekphrasis poetry.  Beyond personal memory or current events, the art world can serve as a healthy muse for writers.  

  • Perhaps you may respond to themes in the work that strike you
  • Does the piece deal with a familiar topic (such as elegy or ode, love or hate, ...)?
  • Is there a striking image?
  • Does color or another element in the piece strike you?
  • Language use that strike you?
  • Melody in a song inspire you (Ever listen to classical music and envision a scene in your head?)?
  • ...

Here are two general links to ekphrasis poems:


2. Poetry Foundation

Here is a link to a famous Peter Blume piece at the Art Institute of Chicago: "The Rock"

  • Let's read the copy that goes along with this piece, but then practice our own responses through a poem draft.

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