Sunday, September 9, 2012

Exquisite Introductions

Exquisite Corpse is a poetry form originated by French surrealist poets in the early 1900s.

To get to have some fun in getting to know each other, and to get your brains rolling with delightful lines, we're going to use the exquisite corpse form. 

Try to write with creativity and clarity (whatever that means at this point!), and to respond to the other writer to link your line to the last:

Line 1:  If you could be any character from a literary piece, who would you be and what quality/characteristic/action of that character stands out?

Line 2: Better yet, if you could re-name yourself, what would your new name be and why?

Line 3: What super-power would you have, and what would you do with it? (Be appropriate!)

Line 4: What bothers you about people? Make sure to define the people! Generalize an issue you have with the world.

Line 5: What is your daily savior from the world's chaos? Detail an action/object and how it keeps you alive!

Line 6: Transform yourself into another animal without telling us. Clue us in with your action and description.

Line 7: End on an image of nature: make a strange observation about something happening in nature.

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